Bioclear Dentistry Montréal
Conservative Dentistry Treatment Options
Options de traitement conservatrices
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Special thanks for Dr. Taras Konanec - He fulfilled my dream very well. I was looking for a specialist for a long time and I had a lot of consultations to try to solve my problem (I have a genetic anomaly, one tooth from the front was missing). Doctor Konanec offered as a treatment the Bioclear method. For me the most important thing was to save my healthy teeth as much as possible. That’s why I don’t like veneers. And now I understand It was been my best decision because it’s the most conservative and painless method. And most importantly, my teeth look so natural that no one can distinguish them from my own. (it was also important to me) My family and I finally found our dentist in Montreal after having a bad experiences in other clinics. Many thanks to the whole team of the Drummond Dental Group clinic. You have a very good atmosphere and all highly qualified specialists.
Nadia B